If it's true that no one, including ourselves, has a corner on the whole Truth and if it's true that we won't learn as much just talking with people who think as we do, as from those who think differently from ourselves, and if it's true that dialogue is a useful strategy for persons wanting, not so much to win an argument, as to learn from each other, what do you do with someone who isn't interested in dialogue, but only in argument? Especially if they're persuaded that they do have the whole truth? There are such people. "Thinking Man", by Tim Holmes They are very much like the mental patient I heard of who was hospitalized because of his firm conviction that he was a corpse. A young ward attendant who didn't know much about mental illness, thought he could "reason" the patient out of such an untenable position. "So you think you are a corpse?" "Yes," replied the patient. "Corpses don't bleed do they?...